Thursday, April 14, 2011

Home Again, Home Again

Just one more day of work left before I leave Brian at home and take off for the weekend to spend some quality time with my family.....I'm so excited to see my folks, my grandparents and mybrother!

I've got a load of laundry in the dryer and a half-packed suitcase sitting on the bed while I take a quick break to eat my spaghetti dinner. Yes, I said dinner...I know it's after 11pm, don't judge!

Have a great weekend everyone, I know I will!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Saturday Morning

It's Saturday! Yeah for not having to go to work again 'til Monday! It's days like this I wish I could turn on the television and start watching all the Saturday morning cartoons I used to watch when I was little. I could really go for some Looney Tunes or Tom & Jerry right now, maybe some Flintstones and The Jetson's too. I may have to do a search on the internet and see what I can come up with....

I slept in this morning and am now spending some time surfing the web, following blogs and bookmarking craft ideas inspired by some very talented women.

Not sure yet what our plans for the day are, especially since I have no idea what time Brian got home from work last night. Though I do know it was late since I didn't go to bed until after midnight and he still had a couple of hours to go when I called to say goodnight. We're keeping our fingers crossed his schedule change goes through as planned in a couple of months! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wi-Fi Enabled

We finally have our wireless internet up and running again! After trying and trying to get our old router to work we gave up on it and picked up a new one on our trip to the store today. Now, instead of sitting on one of our hard, not meant for long sitting and web browsing dining room chairs, I get to relax on the couch in comfort while I surf the web!